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Dedolight K24B Basic 150W 24V Halogen Kit

Dedolight K24B Basic 150W 24V Halogen Kit
  • Description

Consists of the following items

3 DLH4 Dedolight head universal double aspheric lens
1 DT24-3 Dedo transformer 240v-24v x 3
3 DPOW3 Cable for DLH2 to DT transformer: 8m
3 DBD Standard barndoor 3 DFH Gel filter holder
3 DST Dedolight stand
6 DL150 24V 150W Halogen lamp
2 DLBOX Plastic box
1 DCHD Dedolight heavy duty transport case

Price £

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For more information about this product please contact us by calling 0118 981 0804 or by emailing us
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